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I am looking forward to seeing more reports from it before.

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I am looking forward to seeing more reports from it before. Empty I am looking forward to seeing more reports from it before.

Message par triactLe Mer 3 Aoû - 11:54

Hello. For the most part, you don't have to run VOBB when you have AnyDVD and/or DVDFab. The only reason I rip with VOBB then compress with Shrink and burn with Decryptor (while AnyDVD is running, of course) is because I want to blank all the crap I don't want while keeping all my menus and features. With that said, my backup process went fine and I haven't heard many people complaining about it so I'm assuming bare bones stuff will work with this. Glad it's worked for many! Latest AnyDVD to rip > VOBB to blank the unwanted on a DVD > Shrink to compress > ImgBurn to burn = Never starting a thread asking how to backup a movie

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